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Varied response to mirror gait retraining of gluteus medius control, hip kinematics, pain, and function in 2 female runners with patellofemoral pain.




STUDY DESIGN:Case report.BACKGROUND:The underlying mechanism of the changes in running mechanics after gait retraining is presently unknown. This case report assesses changes in muscle coordination and kinematics during treadmill running and step ascent in 2 female runners with patellofemoral pain after mirror gait retraining.CASE DESCRIPTION:Two female runners with chronic patellofemoral pain underwent 8 sessions of mirror gait retraining during treadmill running. Subjective measures and hip abductor strength were recorded at baseline and after the retraining phase. Changes in hip mechanics and electromyography data of the gluteus medius during treadmill running and step ascent were also assessed.OUTCOMES:Both runners reported improvements in pain and function that were maintained for at least 3 months. During running, peak contralateral pelvic drop (baseline-postretraining difference: runner 1, 2.6° less; runner 2, 1.7° less) and peak hip adduction (baseline-postretraining difference: runner 1, 5.2° less; runner 2, 6.3° less) were reduced after retraining. Kinematic reductions accompanied earlier activation of the gluteus medius relative to foot strike (baseline-postretraining difference: runner 1, 12.6 milliseconds earlier; runner 2, 37.3 milliseconds earlier) and longer duration of gluteus medius activity (runner 1, 55.8 milliseconds longer; runner 2, 44.4 milliseconds longer). Runner 1 transferred reduced contralateral pelvic drop to step ascent, whereas runner 2 did not (contralateral pelvic drop baseline-postretraining difference: runner 1, 3.6° less; runner 2, 1.5° more; hip adduction baseline-postretraining difference: runner 1, 3.0° less; runner 2, 0.5° more). Both runners demonstrated earlier onset of gluteus medius activity during step ascent (baseline-postretraining difference: runner 1, 48.0 milliseconds earlier; runner 2, 28.3 milliseconds earlier), but only runner 1 demonstrated longer activation duration (runner 1, 25.0 milliseconds longer; runner 2, 69.4 milliseconds shorter).DISCUSSION:While changes in hip mechanics and gluteus medius activity during running were consistent with those noted during step ascent for runner 1, runner 2 failed to demonstrate similar consistency between the tasks. Earlier onset and longer duration of gluteus medius activity may have been necessary to alter step mechanics for runner 2.LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:Therapy, level 4.NOTE: This is a non-final version of an article published in final form in Willy, R. W., & Davis, I. S. (2013). Varied response to mirror gait retraining of gluteus medius control, hip kinematics, pain, and function in 2 female runners with patellofemoral pain. The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 43(12), 864-874. doi:10.2519/jospt.2013.4516
机译:研究设计:病例报告。背景:步态再训练后跑步力学变化的潜在机制目前尚不清楚。该病例报告评估了2名镜腿步态训练后pain股疼痛的女跑步者在跑步机跑步过程中的肌肉协调和运动学变化以及病情上升情况。案例描述:两名患有慢性pa股关节疼痛的女跑步者在跑步机运行过程中进行了8次镜步训练。在基线和再训练阶段后记录主观测量值和髋外展肌力量。还评估了跑步机和步步上升过程中臀小肌的髋部力学和肌电图数据的变化。结果:两名跑步者均报告疼痛和功能得到改善,并至少维持3个月。跑步过程中,对侧骨盆下降高峰(基线后训练差异:减少了转轮1、2.6°;跑步者2,减少了1.7°)和髋关节内收峰(基线减少了后训练差:减少了转轮1,减少了5.2°;减少了转轮2,减少了6.3° )在重新训练后减少了。运动学上的减少伴随着臀肌相对于脚部打击的激活较早(基线-后再训练差异:跑步者1,提前12.6毫秒;跑步者2,提前37.3毫秒),臀肌活动持续时间更长(跑步者1,更长,55.8毫秒;跑步者2) ,长44.4毫秒)。跑步者1转移的对侧骨盆下降程度降低,而步阶上升,而跑步者2则没有(对侧骨盆下降基线与训练后的差异:赛跑者1,3.6°;赛跑者2,1.5°多;髋关节内收基线与训练后的差异:赛跑者1,3.0少°;转轮2,少0.5°)。两名跑步者均在步态上升期间表现出臀中肌活动的较早发作(基线-再训练差异:跑步者1,提前48.0毫秒;跑步者2,提前28.3毫秒),但只有跑步者1表现出更长的激活持续时间(跑步者1,延长25.0毫秒;跑步者) 2,短69.4毫秒。)讨论:虽然跑步过程中髋关节力学和臀中肌活动的变化与跑步者1上升时注意到的一致,但跑步者2未能证明任务之间具有相似的一致性。要改变跑步者的步法,可能需要更早地开始臀肌活动并延长其持续时间。2证据级别:疗法,级别4注意:这是最终版本以威利(美国)的形式发表的非最终版本,&戴维斯,IS(2013)。对2名患有pa股股骨疼痛的女跑步者的臀肌控制,髋关节运动学,疼痛和功能的镜像步态再训练的不同反应。骨科和体育物理疗法杂志,43(12),864-874。 doi:10.2519 / jospt.2013.4516



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